Table 3.
Latent variables and items used in the study
Latent variable | Item label | Items |
IMOC | IMOC1 | Employees have the opportunity to discuss their needs with management. |
IMOC2 | Training is seen in the context of individual needs. | |
IMOC3 | Management spends time talking to their employees when needed. | |
IMOC4 | Management wants employees to enjoy their work. | |
IMOC5 | Management shows a sincere interest in any problems faced by employees. | |
IMOC6 | Management understands that personal problems may affect my performance. | |
IMOC7 | The division’s policies help meet employees’ individual needs. | |
IMOC8 | Management meets regularly to discuss issues related to employees’ challenges. | |
SA | SA1 | My leader gives me authority over issues within my area. |
SA2 | My leader listens to me. | |
SA3 | My leader encourages me to take the initiative. | |
SA4 | My leader is concerned that I shall work goal oriented. | |
SA5 | My leader instills motivation. | |
OA | OA1 | (Hospital name) is attractive for me as a place of employment. |
OA2 | I would recommend (hospital name) as an employer to my friends. | |
IIB | IIB1 | Create new ideas to solve problems in my job. |
IIB2 | Search out new working methods or techniques to complete my work. | |
IIB3 | Investigate and find ways to implement my ideas. | |
IIB4 | Promote my ideas so others might use them in their work. | |
IIB5 | Try out new ideas in my work. |
Note: SA Support for Autonomy, IIB Individual Innovative Behavior, OA Organizational Attractiveness, IMOC Internal Market-Oriented Culture