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. 2022 May 5;14(9):1938. doi: 10.3390/nu14091938

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Effect of additional zinc intervention on plasma or serum copper concentrations among children. Figure 2 legend: The amount of additional zinc provided in the zinc groups are shown, along with the first author and year of publication. The intervention groups are indicated, as follows. Zn-s: Zinc supplement, Zn+ Fe-s: Zinc Plus Iron supplement, Zn + Fe + Cu-s: Zinc plus iron plus copper supplement, Fe + Cu-s: Iron plus copper supplement, Zn + B2-s: Zinc plus vitamin B12 supplement, B2-s: vitamin B2 supplement, Zn + Fe + B2: zinc plus iron plus vitamin B2 supplement; Zn-f: zinc fortified, P-s: placebo supplement, P-f: Placebo fortified, Fe-f: iron fortified, Fe-s: iron supplement, Zn-H-Dose-f: Zinc high dose fortified, Zn-L-Dose-f: zinc low dose fortified. Green dots represent the means for each plot.