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. 2022 Apr 8;36(5):e24408. doi: 10.1002/jcla.24408



Circ_0011298 knockdown enhanced Taxol sensitivity in Taxol‐resistant NSCLC cells by targeting miR‐486‐3p. A‐N, A549/Taxol and H1299/Taxol cells were transfected with sh‐NC, sh‐circ_0011298#1, sh‐circ_0011298#1+anti‐NC, or sh‐circ_0011298#1+anti‐miR‐486‐3p. A‐C, Cell proliferation was analyzed. D‐F, Cell cycle distribution and cell apoptosis were detected. (G and H) Cell migratory and invasion capacities were evaluated. I, IC50 value of Taxol was examined. (J‐L) Glucose uptake, lactate consumption, and cellular ATP/ADP ratio were determined. M and N, Ki67, Bax, and MRP1 protein levels were analyzed. *< 0.05