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. 2022 May 3;14(9):1919. doi: 10.3390/nu14091919

Table 1.

Specifications of the primary cost–benefit and cost–utility analyses.

CBA Primary Analysis CUA Primary Analysis
Perspective and Referent Group Societal, Australian population Healthcare system
Comparator/Base Case Status quo—no shelf tag intervention
Options for Appraisal Shelf tag intervention—3-year intervention and duration of effect
Time Horizon Lifetime account of healthcare costs and health impacts
Discount Rate 3% (recommended by CBA framework [45]) 5% (recommended by PBAC [21])
Costs Included Supermarket industry, government Government—health sector
Benefits Included HALYs valued using VSLY
Healthcare cost-savings
Consumer surplus (WTP for HSR)
Benefits to supermarkets (assessed qualitatively)
HALYs gained
Healthcare cost-savings
Decision Rules NPV/BCR ICER: AUD per HALY gained
Sensitivity Analyses * Univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses (see Table 2)
Distributional Impacts and Other Considerations Equity and distributional impacts and other considerations described (qualitatively)
Reporting Disaggregate costs and benefits across subgroups (retailers, individuals, government, and various healthcare payers (e.g., state and federal governments, individuals and private health insurers). Overall findings

Notes: AUD: Australian dollar; BCR: benefit–cost ratio; CBA: cost–benefit analysis; CUA: cost–utility analysis; HALY: health-adjusted life years; HSR: Health Star Rating; ICER: incremental cost–effectiveness ratio; NPV: net present value; PBAC: Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee; VSLY: value of a statistical life year; WTP: willingness to pay; * probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA) incorporated into all analyses.