Overall Executive Function |
Performance on executive function tasks decreased over 6-months after TIA in a prospective cohort study [81]
TIA/stroke patients scored worse than memory clinic patients on visuo-executive subtests of the MoCA in an analysis of TIA and cognitive decline cohorts [31]
Attention and Working Memory |
22.5-fold higher odds of impaired working memory and 6.8-fold higher odds of impaired attention versus controls in a case-control study with comprehensive neuropsychological assessment [2]
TIA/stroke patients scored worse than memory clinic patients on sustained attention subtests of the MoCA [31]
Attention improved over 6-months of follow-up (versus within 7 days post-event) in a prospective cohort [81]
Processing Speed |
Visual and Verbal Memory |
Verbal Fluency |
Cognitive-Motor Integration |