Total abundance of 74 common waterbird species in spring and autumn from 2010 to 2020, and relative species abundance of different categories; (A): abundance; (B): Podicipediformes, Anseriformes, and Pelecaniformes (PA), Ciconiiformes and Gruiformes (CG), Charadriiformes (Cha), and Lariformes (Lar); (C): summer visitor (S), winter visitor (W), passage (P), and residence (R); (D): breeding (B) and nonbreeding (NB); (E): herbivores (HER), insectivores (INS), carnivores (CAR), piscivores (PIS), benthivores (BEN), and omnivores (OMN); and (F): bare ground (BG), cliff (Cf), float (Ft), grass and shrub (GS), and tree (Te).