Mean peroxide value (PV) for pure soybean oil and oil treated with different concentrations (100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 ppm) QG (A); mean peroxide value (PV) for pure soybean oil, QG and positive antioxidants with 200 ppm (B); mean acid value (AV) for pure soybean oil, QG and positive antioxidants with 200 ppm (C); mean PV in soybean oil treated with different concentrations QG after 56 days (D); mean PV in soybean oil treated with different antioxidants after 56 days (E); mean AV in soybean oil treated with different antioxidants after 56 days (F). Error bars represent the mean value ± SD. Significant differences between diet groups at the indicated week are signified by letters, where different letters indicate difference (p < 0.05) between groups, while the same letter indicates no difference.