Results of Partial Least Squares analysis with the phenome of depression as the outcome variable and the effects of adverse childhood events (ACEs) on the phenome being mediated by the recurrence of illness (ROI) and immune biomarkers. The phenome of depression is entered as a latent vector (LV) extracted from the HDRS (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) and STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) scores, recent suicidal behaviors (SB), and the phenome score (Phenscore), including melancholia and psychosis. ACE was conceptualized as an LV extracted from 4 ACEs, namely domestic violence (DomViol), mental neglect (MentNegl), and mental (MentTrau) and physical (PhysTrau) trauma. ROI-IMMUNE: a common core extracted from ROI features and immune profiles, i.e., Lifetime (Lft) SB, number of lifetime depressions (#Dep), ROI score, immune-inflammatory response (IRS), neuroimmunotoxicity (NT), and the growth factor (GF) immune profiles. CIRS: compensatory immunoregulatory profile.