Fig. 2. Loss of H15 increases TDT muscle sarcomere branching to leg muscle levels.
a, b 3D rendering of myofibrillar matrix in TDT muscles with (b) and without (a) Mef2-Gal4 driven RNAi knockdown of H15. Bottom two images show clippings through the long axis of the muscle directly above. c Assessment of myofibril size and shape for TDT, H15 KD TDT, and leg muscles. d Percentage of myofibrils with at least one branching sarcomere (left) and percentage of sarcomeres per myofibril with a branch (right). e Frequency of sarcomere branching in TDT, H15 KD TDT, and leg muscles. N values: TDT—3 muscle cells, 2 datasets, 160 myofibrils, 1863 sarcomeres; H15 KD TDT—2 muscle cells, 1 dataset, 70 myofibrils, 403 sarcomeres; and leg—3 muscle cells, 2 datasets, 150 myofibrils, 690 sarcomeres. Larger shape symbols represent data from a single cell and smaller shape symbols represent data from a single myofibril. Bars represent muscle cell overall mean ± SE. Hash sign (#): Significantly different from tubular TDT (P < 0.01). Plus sign (+): Significantly different from H15 KD TDT (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Scale bars—2 μm.