(A) Generation of Slc1a1-Th-OE mice. Slc1a1-STOP-tetO mice were crossed with Pgk1-flpo deleter line to generate Slc1a1-tetO mice that were then crossed with Th-tTA line to generate tTA-mediated overexpression of EAAT3 selectively in TH-expressing neurons. (Neo, PGK-EM7-NEO minigene; STOP, Stop signal; tetO, tetracycline operon; tTA, tetracycline transactivator). (B) Representative western blot images showing increased midbrain EAAT3 expression in Slc1a1-Th-OE (Th-OE) mice following administration of regular chow and restored expression following administration of doxycycline-supplemented chow. Molecular weight (MW) in kDA is indicated on the left. (C) EAAT3 overexpression (****P < 0.0001, n = 12 per genotype), and (D) rescue of expression following treatment with doxycycline-supplemented chow (nsP, not significant, n = 6 per genotype). Also see Figure 4H for qRT-PCR, Supplementary Figure S1 for full blot image and Supplementary Figure S2 for regional protein expression.