A: Timeline of experimental procedures for Experiment 1b. Rats first received two sessions of auditory fear conditioning in Context A, followed by a single exposure session to Context A. Then, rats underwent 6 sessions of Context B exposure, followed by an additional exposure session to Context A. Rats were then tested for fear to the tone in Context A and Context B, and a final unsignaled shock tests in Context A. Grey shaded region represents CNO injections prior to behavioral testing. B: Post-shock freezing during the two conditioning sessions, followed by freezing during the first and second sessions of Context A exposure. Freezing during exposure to Context B is not depicted (see Table 1). C: Freezing to the tone in both Context B and Context A. CNO was injected 30 minutes prior to these sessions. D: Average post-shock freezing during the unsignaled shock test. “#” = significant main effect of group collapsed across contexts (p < .05).