Fig. 3.
Images and maps from a high-grade tumor in a 2-year-old boy with a glioblastoma (classified as grade IV) scanned at center 4 on a 3-T Achieva (Philips, Best, the Netherlands). a Pre-contrast axial T2-weighted MR image (turbo spin-echo sequence, repetition time/echo time [TR/TE] = 6,272/85 ms, number of signals averaged [NSA] = 1, acquired with 4-mm slice thickness and 10% gap, reformatted to the dynamic susceptibility-contrast acquisition of 3.5-mm slice thickness, no gap and 1.8×1.8-mm in-plane resolution), on which the tumor region of interest was defined. b Post-contrast axial T1-weighted MR image (spin-echo sequence, TR/TE=1,179/14 ms, NSA=1, acquired with 4-mm slice thickness, 10% gap, reformatted as in (a) shows high signal in the tumor. c–e Uncorrected (c) and leakage-corrected (d) relative cerebral volume (rCBV) maps and K2 map (e) acquired in the axial plane. Dynamic susceptibility-contrast data were acquired with an sPRESTO sequence (TR/TE=15.9/23.9 ms, flip angle 7o, with 30 slices at 1.8×1.8×3.5-mm resolution). The uncorrected rCBV map shows high values within the tumor. After correction, rCBV is shown to decrease. The K2 map shows negative values within the tumor compared to surrounding normal tissue. Normalized uncorrected rCBV was high both before and after leakage correction (3.66 vs. 2.68) and K2 was −0.013. sPRESTO sensitivity-encoded Philips principles of echo-shifting with a train of observations