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. 2022 May 15;22:177. doi: 10.1186/s12905-022-01760-8


Step-wise multiple linear regression of factors associated with SF-36

Variable ß t Value 95%CI P Value
 Headache frequency − 0.218 − 2.503 (− 1.198, − 0.139) 0.014
  HIT− 6 − 0.270 − 3.151 (− 0.599, − 0.136) 0.002
  HAMD − 0.345 − 4.164 (− 0.936, − 0.332)  < 0.001
  HAMD − 0.379 − 5.134 (− 1.124, − 0.498)  < 0.001
  PSSS 0.270 3.912 (0.190, 0.581)  < 0.001
  SIOSS − 0.344 − 4.434 (− 2.018, − 0.771)  < 0.001

PCS physical component summary, HIT-6 Headache Impact Text-6, HAMD Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, MCS mental component summary, PSSS Perceived social support scale, SIOSS Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale