Fig. 3.
Establishment of the fluorescence-based droplet microfluidic screening for cellulase-producing P. pastoris cells. a Fluorescence signal detection of cellulase-producing cells of the P. pastoris strain SHY169 (green fluorescence-positive strain) in droplets at different timepoints. Scale bar: 50 μm. The exposure time was 50 ms. b Fluorescence histogram of droplets at 0 h. The mixture of cellulase-producing and non-cellulase producing cells at a 1:99 ratio was used for droplet generation. c Fluorescence histogram of droplets after incubation for 40 h at 30 °C. The blue dashed line indicates the sorting threshold. d Cellulase activity measurement of the selected cells using the DNS method. The first three wells in the first column were negative controls of non-cellulase producing cells from the strain GS115, and the next three wells were positive controls of cellulase-producing cells from the strain SHY169