Survey, domain a | Item | Label |
AES | ||
Organizational climate | My workload is reasonable | Reasonable workload |
High performing workplace | I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills | Skill building |
People treat each other with respect in my workgroup | Respectful workgroup | |
Supervisor sets challenging and yet attainable performance goals for workgroup | Attainable goals | |
Members able to bring up problems and tough issues | Can bring up tough issues | |
Disputes and conflicts are resolved fairly | Fair conflict resolution | |
Managing risk | It is worthwhile in my workgroup to speak up because something will be done to address our concerns | Supervisor addresses concerns |
Workgroup perceptions | I have the appropriate supplies, materials, and equipment to perform my job well | Have appropriate resources |
Supervisors/team leaders understand and support employee family/personal life responsibilities in my work group | Supervisor supports personal life | |
Supervisory behaviors | In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way | Performance recognized |
My supervisor does not engage in favoritism | No supervisor favoritism | |
MHPS | ||
Timely access to MH care | My workload is reasonable given my job | Reasonable workload |
Some of my daily work could be done by clerical and/or clinical support staff b | Support staff could do daily work* | |
Mental health staffing vacancies significantly affect patient care needs at my facility b | Staffing vacancies affect patient care* | |
My available time for direct patient mental health care is reduced because of assigned collateral duties b | Collateral duties reduce time* | |
I can schedule my patients as frequently as is clinically indicated | Flexible patient scheduling | |
I am working at my highest level of licensure or scope | Working at highest level of licensure | |
Quality of MH care | Through my work, I help veterans improve their lives | Improve veterans' lives |
Care is well coordinated in veterans receiving mental health care at my facility | MH care well‐coordinated | |
My facility offers best practices in mental health treatment | Facility offers best practices MH treatment | |
Mental health care at my facility is Veteran‐centric and recovery‐oriented | Veteran‐centric and recovery‐oriented MH care | |
Mental health integration with primary care is working well at my site | Primary care and MH integration working well | |
My facility has mental health programs that are effective in helping veterans | Facility has effective programs for veterans | |
Collaborative MH care | A spirit of cooperation and teamwork exists in my work group c | Workgroup has spirit of teamwork |
My team regularly discusses meeting the requirements of the Uniform Mental Health Services Handbook | Discusses Uniform MH Services Handbook requirements | |
I participate in discussions about performance measures and related opportunities for improvement | I participate in performance discussions | |
My team regularly meets to plan improvements in patient access | Team plans patient access improvements | |
I have been involved in actions to improve patient access in my clinics | I'm involved in improving patient access |
Note: Bold variables indicate consistently significantly associated with burnout in the presented analyses.
Abbreviations: AES, All Employee Survey; MH, mental health; MHPS, Mental Health Provider Survey.
MHPS does not specify domains; Items have slightly different wording across years; our team used VHA guidance to group similar items. 28
Reverse coded.
“Members of my work group communicate well with each other” dropped from original list due to high correlation with spirit of teamwork variable.