Venn diagram (to scale) of overlapping targets identified from RNA‐seq following UPF1
LL knockdown (this dataset), total UPF1 knockdown, or SMG6/7 double knockdown and rescue (Colombo
et al,
2017). Depicted are genes that increased in abundance at least 1.4‐fold (FDR < 0.05) with UPF1
LL‐specific knockdown and their overlap with genes that increased in abundance (FDR < 0.05) with total UPF1 knockdown or genes that increased in abundance with SMG6/7 double knockdown and were significantly rescued by expression of SMG6 or SMG7 (SMG6/7 targets).
P‐values indicate enrichment of genes that increased in abundance at least 1.4‐fold (FDR < 0.05) with UPF1
LL‐specific knockdown among those regulated by total UPF1 and SMG6/7, as determined by Fisher's exact test. Only genes that met read count cutoffs in all conditions were included in the analysis.