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. 2022 May 16;8(2):00001-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00001-2022


Changes in cough frequency in two participants with chronic cough

Intervention Cough frequency before intervention#
Cough frequency after intervention#
Proportional change % p-value Proportion of time the effect size is inaccurate % (24-h period) Proportion of time the direction of the effect is reversed % (24-h period)
Case 1: participant with chronic cough
Gabapentin 21.31 13.72 −35 0.00002 57 8
Omeprazole 9.70 3.98 −59 0.000002 62 4
Case 2: chronic smoker
Smoking stopped 1.53 0.58 −62 0.0009 68 21
Smoking restarted 0.70 1.2 +71 0.003 43 14
Smoking stopped 1.61 0.94 −42 0.008 50 23

#: the interventions were different for both participants – treatment with gabapentin and omeprazole in case 1, and smoking cessation/relapses in case 2.