1. COVID-19 Origins |
HCW can recognize key characteristics of the novel coronavirus and can describe their country’s COVID-19 epidemic stage |
2. Disease transmission |
HCW can recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and can list the criteria for suspected, probable, and confirmed cases. They can test suspected cases following national guidelines and report confirmed cases using national reporting tools and platforms |
3a. Infection prevention and control (IPC) overview |
HCW can ensure adequate IPC including prevention of infections among HCW and nosocomial transmission of COVID-19 within health facilities. Healthcare workers understand IPC principles and practices and how they are applied to the COVID-19 situation |
3b. Standard and transmission precautions |
HCW can implement standard and transmission-based precautions as per facility standards and guidelines |
3c. Implementation strategies |
HCW can describe and implement environmental controls to minimize the spread of COVID-19 within health facilities |
3d. IPC and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) |
HCW can describe and support administrative controls to minimize the spread of COVID-19 within health facilities |
3e. Personal protective equipment (PPE) |
HCW can describe and implement correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize the spread of COVID-19 within health facilities |
4. Triage of COVID-19 patients |
HCW can apply knowledge of national screening guidelines to conduct effective triage, including risk stratification, isolation, and patient referral. (From https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CCC_022_Tools-for-Primary-Health-Centers_040720-1.pdf) |
5. Maintenance of essential services |
HCW can understand the impact of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 response on essential health services and can support new health facility protocols to maintain services during the pandemic |
6. Effective communication: dispelling myths |
HCW can effectively communicate with patients, community member, facility managers and other stakeholders to disseminate key messages on COVID-19 disease including signs and symptoms, when to seek care at a health facility as well as respiratory and hand hygiene |