Distribution of retrogradely labelled cells in the pons following injection of WGA-HRP into the paramedial reticular nucleus of the caudal medulla (inset). Solid circles represent neurons that were singly labelled with the HRP reaction product while open triangles represent neurons that were retrogradely labelled and were ChAT immunopositive. Insets: the WGA-HRP injection site is depicted by a heavy black area while the stipling shows the extent of the diffusion. The anterior–posterior planes are from Berman’s atlas of the cat brainstem2. Selected abbreviations: AQ, aqueduct; CNF, nucleus cuneiformis; FTC, central tegmental field; FTG, gigantocellular tegmental field; FTL, lateral tegmental field; FTP, perilemniscal tegmental field; IC, inferior colliculus; IP, interpeduncular nucleus; LC, locus ceruleus; PAG, periaqueductal area; SC, superior colliculus; PG, pontine gray.