US Air Force Academy cadet COVID-19 case and surveillance summary during fall
semester 2020 (August 12–December 4) for 4400 cadets. (A) Daily number of positive
SARS-CoV-2 test results, by origin of testing. (B) Number of active infections among
cadets, by phase of surveillance operation, and cumulative number of cases in Colorado
(100% of susceptible cadet student body tested during 3 days in indicated 100% test
blocks). (C) Total number of cadets in quarantine (those who had been in close contact
[within 6 feet] with an infected individual) and isolation (a positive test result for
SARS-CoV-2). (D) Percentage of the cadet student body tested in each week and
prevalence of infection estimated from surveillance testing. Circles indicate point
prevalence; errors bars indicate 95% Wilson hypergeometric CIs. The bar for November 4
exceeds 100%, as that week some people were tested twice, Monday and Friday.
Abbreviations: CO, Colorado; NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association; ROM,
restriction of movement.