Figure 3. Forming styrene maleic acid lipid particles (SMALPs).
(A) Schematic representation of the SMALPs extraction and nAChRs pull-down for mass spectrometric analysis. (B) Negative staining of extracted SMALPs by transmission electron microscopy, n=3. Scale bar 100 nm. (C) Western blot for Dα6-mVenus nAChR with and without enrichment using α-Btx, n=2. Detected with anti-GFP antibody. The fusion protein was detected at approximately 83 kDa. Ponceau S staining was used as sample equal loading control. (D, E) Negative staining of extracted SMALPs after α-Btx pull-downs, n=3, ring-like protein structures are boxed (scale bar = 100 nm) with an example in the magnified image (scale bar = 20 nm). A top view of the nAChR structure from PDB entry 4HQP is shown for reference.