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. 2022 May 9;2022:8086793. doi: 10.1155/2022/8086793

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of the pregnant women, in the Gurage zone, southwest Ethiopia, September to November 2021 (n = 722).

Variable Category Frequency Percent
Age in years <25 191 26.5
25–35 444 61.5
>35 87 12.0

Marital status Married 704 97.5
Single 13 1.8
Divorced/separated 5 .7

Religion Orthodox 296 41.0
Islam 313 43.4
Protestant 81 11.2
Catholic 32 4.4

Educational status Illiterate 462 64.0
Primary 42 5.8
Secondary 90 12.5
Collage and above 128 17.7

Occupational status Government employed 122 16.9
Merchant 230 31.9
Housewife 289 40.0
Students 81 11.2

Wealth status Poor 354 49.1
Medium 206 28.5
Rich 162 22.4

Women empowerment Low/moderate 456 63.2
High 266 36.8

Food security status Food secure 413 57.2
Mildly food insecure 180 24.9
Moderately food insecure 90 12.5
Severely food insecure 39 5.4

Nutritional status <23 259 35.9
23 and above 463 64.1