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. 2022 May 3;35:10024. doi: 10.3389/ti.2022.10024


Baseline characteristics of patients who developed early (within 12 months) and late (after 12 months) de novo cancer post-transplant (n = 2,759).

Early cancers (n = 243, n, %) Late cancers (n = 2,516, n, %) p-values
Donor characteristics
 Age (years, mean [SD]) 42.3 (17.1) 35.7 (18.6) <0.001
 Female gender (n, %) 118 (48.6) 1004 (39.9) 0.001
 Type 0.03
  Deceased 179 (73.7) 1927 (76.6)
  Live 64 (26.3) 589 (23.4)
Recipient characteristics
 Age (years, mean [SD]) 50.8 (15.4) 45.3 (14.2) <0.001
 Female gender (n, %) 98 (40.3) 1051 (41.8) 0.66
 Race (n, %) 0.61
  Caucasian 208 (85.5) 2224 (88.4)
  Aboriginals/Maori 11 (4.6) 87 (3.4)
  Others 24 (9.9) 205 (8.2)
 Diabetes (n, %) 40 (16.5) 265 (10.5) 0.002
 Coronary artery disease (n, %) 30 (12.3) 152 (6.0) <0.001
 Peripheral vascular disease (n, %) 10 (4.1) 80 (3.2) 0.09
 Cerebrovascular disease (n, %) 9 (3.7) 41 (1.6) 0.04
 Smoker (n, %) 0.19
  Non- smokers 116 (57.4) 1008 (52.4)
  Former smokers 67 (33.2) 655 (34.0)
  Current smokers 19 (9.4) 262 (13.6)
 Cause of ESKD (n, %) 0.03
  Glomerulonephritis 104 (42.8) 1186 (47.1)
  Cystic 32 (13.2) 374 (14.9)
  Diabetes 30 (12.3) 201 (8.0)
  Vascular 16 (6.6) 96 (3.8)
  Analgesic nephropathy 11 (4.5) 107 (4.3)
  Others 50 (20.6) 552 (21.9)
 Viral serology
 CMV <0.001
  Negative 65 (26.7) 565 (22.5)
  Positive 138 (56.8) 1143 (45.4)
  Unknown 40 (16.5) 808 (32.2)
 EBV <0.001
  Negative 43 (17.7) 237 (9.4)
  Positive 134 (55.1) 1061 (42.1)
  Unknown 66 (27.2) 1218 (48.5)
 Waiting time (days, mean [SD]) 868 (777) 774 (768) 0.07
 Ischemic time (hours, mean [SD]) 11.1 (7.4) 12.5 (7.9) 0.01
 Transplant era (n, %) <0.001
  1980-1989 30 (12.3) 667 (26.5)
  1990-1999 58 (23.9) 998 (39.7)
  After 2000 155 (63.8) 851 (33.8)
 Induction immunosuppression <0.001
  None 131 (54) 1917 (76)
  Interleukin-2 receptor therapy 102 (42) 446 (18)
  T-cell depleting therapy 10 (4) 153 (6)
Maintenance immunosuppression
 Steroids (Prednisolone) 226 (93) 2245 (89) 0.06
 Calcineurin inhibitors <0.001
  None 16 (7) 297 (12)
  Cyclosporine 145 (60) 1833 (73))
  Tacrolimus 82 (33) 386 (15)
 Anti-metabolites <0.001
  None 27 (11) 321 (13)
  Azathioprine 60 (25) 1246 (49)
  Mycophenolate mofetil/sodium 156 (64) 949 (38)