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. 2022 Apr 22;129(8):1361–1374. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.17132


Characteristics of pregnant women with SARS‐CoV‐2 infection presenting with signs of fetal distress and characteristics of their live‐born infants including placental features

Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Case 9 Case 10 Case 11 Case 12,13 Diamniotic dichorionic twins Case 14
Maternal characteristics
Maternal age (years) 28 38 30 27 31 30 31 33
Gestational age (in weeks) at
Onset of maternal symptoms 34+4 21+3 34+2 34+1 32+4 23+0 33+0 28+4
Positive maternal RT‐qPCR 34+2 (contact tracing) 21+6 34+5 34+4 32+5 23+4 33+4 28+4
Time of delivery 35+1 31+6 36+0 34+4 33+5 24+1 34+0 29+3
Parity 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
BMI (kg/m2) 31 23 27 27 23 35 40 22
Maternal comorbidities Depression, Gastric by‐pass, gestational diabetes None None None None Polycystic ovaries, Pregnant after ovulation stimulation Depression, Asthma Migraine
Mother born in Sweden Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Presenting symptoms Reduced fetal movement for 1 day Planned ultrasound scan due to bad obstetric history (Previous pregnancy: oligo‐hydramnios, chorio‐amnionitis with premature delivery) Reduced fetal movements for 1 day

Reduced fetal movement for 1 day

Dry cough‐1 day

Fever for 3 days

Abdominal pain for 3 days

Reduced fetal movement for 3 days

Maternal fever, 2–4 days ago

Reduced fetal movement for 2 days

Fever for 8 days

Blocked nose for 8 days

Reduced fetal movements‐1 day

Cough for 6 days

Sore throat for 6 days

Uterine contractions for 1 day

Cardiotocograph(CTG) classification 38 Pathological
  • Decreased baseline variability

  • Recurrent prolonged, late decelerations

Normal Pathological
  • Repeated episodes of bradycardia

  • Reduced baseline variability

  • Absence of accelerations

  • Recurrent prolonged, late decelerations

  • Frequency 150/min

  • Absence of accelerations

  • Reduced baseline variability

  • Recurrent late decelerations

  • Reduced baseline variability

  • Recurrent, late decelerations

Normal 12 hours prior to delivery Normal 12 hoursprior to delivery Pathological
  • Reduced baseline variability

  • Recurrent variable decelerations and late decelerations

Mode of delivery Emergency caesarean section Semi‐acute caesarean section Emergency caesarean section Emergency caesarean section Emergency caesarean section Emergency caesarean section Emergency caesarean section Emergency caesarean section
Indication for delivery Pathological CTG pattern Fetal blood flow velocimetry deterioration Pathological CTG pattern Pathological CTG pattern Pathological CTG pattern Pathological CTG pattern and BFC 2 Preeclampsia (high blood pressure and thrombocytopenia) Pathological CTG pattern
Infant characteristics
Apgar Score (1, 5, 10 minutes) 2, 4, 7 9, 10, 10 4, 8, 9 1, 4, 8 3, 5, 8 2, 5, 7 0, 0, 1 4, 7, 8 1, 5, 8

Umbilical cord blood gases

(Units: lactate in mmol/litre, base excess [BE] in mEq/litre)

Arterial pH: 7.15

Arterial lactate: 11.5


Arterial pH: 7.20

Arterial lactate: 11.0

Vein pH: 7.22

Vein lactate: 10.1

Arterial pH: 7.21

Arterial BE: −7.6

Arterial lactate: 10

Vein pH: 7.26

Vein pH: 7.07

Vein BE: −15.5

Vein pH: 6.69

Vein BE: −22

Vein pH: 7.29

Vein BE: – 11

Neonatal SARS‐CoV‐2 status (RT‐qPCR using naso‐pharyngeal swab within 24 hours of birth) Negative Negative NA Positive (Infant had no contact with parents prior to SARS‐CoV‐2 testing) NA Negative Negative Negative Positive (Infant had no contact with parents prior to SARS‐CoV‐2 testing)
Birthweight (g) 2064 1200 2708 2310 1675 570 2182 1846 1370
Small‐for‐gestational age (SGA) 37 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No
Infant gender Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Girl Girl Boy Boy
Infant health at discharge Thrombocytopenia before delivery, normalised 4 days postpartum Healthy Healthy No spontaneous breathing directly after birth. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 24 mins. No extra support was needed thereafter. Neonate discharged 14 days after birth. Manual ventilation for 5 minutes directly after birth. There‐after CPAP for 9 hrs. Due to prematurity + SGA, neonate was kept at the Neonatal ward for 8 days. Dis‐charged after neo‐natal homecare for another 6 weeks. Moved to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) due to a massive intra‐cerebral bleed. Life support turned off day 2. Post‐mortem showed intra‐ventricular haem‐orrhage (IVH) (grade 4) and fresh bleeding in the adrenal glands. The neonate suffered from hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) grade III and intensive care was discontinued 6 days after birth. The neonate died 8 days after delivery. Healthy No spontaneous breathing after birth. Intubated with respirator day 1. Day 2: CPAP and developed IVH (grade 1). Recovering at the neonatal ward with high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) Day 18.
Placental features
Vertical transmission (Congenital infection) 34 Probable Probable Probable Confirmed Probable Probable Probable Probable Probable
Placental weight (grams) 325 256 594 342 294 156 400 283 300
Placental weight according to gestational week 33 Underweight Underweight Overweight Normal weight Underweight Underweight Normal weight Underweight Normal weight
Trophoblast staining for SARS‐CoV‐2 + + + + + + + + +
Fibrinoid deposits, percentage distribution within placental parenchyma Borderline massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition, 40% Borderline massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition, 40% Massive intervillous fibrinoid deposition, 75% Massive intervillous fibrinoid deposition, 75% Massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition, 90% Massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition and infarcts, >90% Borderline massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition with infarcts, 40% Perivillous fibrinoid deposition with infarcts, 10%
Intervillositis Acute intervillositis Focal acute intervillositis Acute intervillositis Widespread focal acute‐chronic inter‐villousitis with ‘Nuclear dust’ Widespread chronic histiocyte intervillositis Widespread chronic histiocytic intervillositis Widespread chronic histiocytic intervillositis Chronic histiocytic intervillositis
Trophoblast necrosis + + + + + + + +
Maternal vascular malperfusion + + +
Choriangiosis + + + +
Other placental findings Agglutination of villi with inflammatory cells, increased villous maturation but no signs of maternal vasculopathy. Umbilical cord was hyperspiralised

Intraparenchymal infarctions covering 10% of the placenta tissue,

plasma cell inflammation of the decidua capsularis and basalis. Immuno‐chemistry for SARS‐CoV‐2 was positive focally

Acute villitis, maternal vasculopathy of hypertrophy type. The umbilical cord was hyper‐spiralised with a marginal insertion. Multiple regions of dense intervillous infiltrates of neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages. SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleoprotein was strongly positive in the cytoplasm + nucleus of villous cytotropho‐blasts and syncytio‐trophoblasts in areas with intervillositis and fibrinoid depositions Fibrinoid deposition focally transmural with accentuation on the maternal side of the placenta Immunochemistry for SARS‐CoV‐2 was weakly positive in trophoblast cells but molecular analysis of (mRNA COVN and COVS) strongly positive in trophoblast cells and in placental parenchyma Acute aterosis and thrombosis, villous necrosis and agglutination of villi with inflammatory cells. The umbilical cord was hyper‐spiralised. Calcified areas were found within the parenchyma Few maternal vessels with necrosis of blood vessel walls, agglutination of villi with inflammatory cells and calcified areas with the parenchyma Strong, diffuse positivity for SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleoprotein in villous trophoblasts. Areas with intervillositis are dominated with MPO+ granulocytes, CD68+ macrophages/histiocytes and to a lesser extent CD3+ T‐lymphocytes and minimally CD20+ B‐cells