LocusZoom plots showing the statistical association of SNP rs227727 near the gene NOG with lip shape (A) and nonsyndromic orofacial clefting (B). The 3D face inset for panel A (top) shows the effects of the SNP as color-coded heat map where red indicates regions of the face moving in an outward direction and blue indicates regions of the face moving in an inward direction. The lip shape association was reported originally in White et al. (2021). The cleft association was reported originally in Leslie et al. (2015). Attribution: the inset for panel A (top) was adapted from White and Indencleef, Insights into the genetic architecture of the human face, via Figshare, CC BY 4.0, The inset for panel B (bottom) is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, via Wikimedia Commons,