Fragmentation characteristics of synthetic pArg-peptides.A, violin plot showing the average sequence coverage identified with ETD (pink), EThcD (purple), and HCD (turquoise) fragmentation. B, violin plot showing the average Andromeda score after ETD (pink), EThcD (purple), and HCD (turquoise) fragmentation. The mean values are highlighted as diamond. The median and first and third quantiles are depicted in the boxplot. Outliers are highlighted as individual points. C, Andromeda localization probability for the three fragmentation methods as function of the percentage of identified synthetic pArg-peptides. D, phosphate neutral loss triplets (i.e., 80, 96, and 116 Da, respectively) observed in spectra derived from ETD, EThcD, and HCD fragmentation of synthetic pArg-peptides. Percentages of peptide-spectrum matches corresponding to synthetic pArg phosphopeptides that exhibit neutral losses. E, here, the percentages of peptide-spectrum matches corresponding to endogenous phosphopeptides identified in S. aureus samples that exhibit neutral losses are displayed for pSer, pThr, pTyr, pHis, and pArg-peptides.