(A) Tumor microenvironment is rich in various cells (e.g., cancer
cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts, and immune cells); deposits
of proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and laminin as an extracellular
matrix (ECM); and exhibits augmented angiogenesis. (B) Three salient
mechanisms of drug resistance exhibited by the tumor microenvironment:
(i) presenting a diffusion barrier against the intratumoral spread
of anticancer agents; (ii) curtailing the supply of oxygen and nutrients
to the cancer cells that switches on the cellular resistance pathways;
and (iii) alleviating the impact of radiotherapy and the immune trapping
mechanism where the immune cells, albeit responding to the signaling
mechanisms of cancer cells, migrate along the ECM boundary and, thus,
fail to permeate the tumor.