Figure 5. NLRP3 is responsible for bladder dysfunction associated with DBD: results of various parameters measured through cystometry.
The results are shown for nondiabetic and diabetic mice that either express NLRP3 (NLRP3+/+) or have that gene deleted (NLRP3−/−). All studies were performed at 30 weeks of age, and animals were implanted with a suprapubic catheter 1 week prior to analysis. A. Peak voiding pressure in nondiabetic and diabetic mice (both NLRP3+/+). B. Peak voiding volume in nondiabetic and diabetic mice with NLRP3 deleted (NLRP3−/−). C. Voiding volume in nondiabetic and diabetic mice (both NLRP3+/+). D. Voiding volume in nondiabetic and diabetic mice with NLRP3 deleted (NLRP3−/−). E and F. Frequency of voiding in the indicated animals calculated as 3600/intercontraction interval. G and H. The post void residual volume, or volume of urine remaining in the bladder immediately after the last void, in the indicated animals. I and J. The bladder capacity of the indicated animals calculated as the voided volume + PVR. K and L. The voiding efficiency of the indicated animals was calculated as 100 (voided volume)/(voided volume + PVR). For all graphs, bars represent the mean ± SEM. For Void Pressure, Void Volume and Frequency: n = 11 and 13 for nondiabetic and diabetic mice, respectively, that are NLRP3+/+. n = 9 and 10 for nondiabetic and diabetic mice, respectively, that are NLRP3−/−. For PVR, Voiding Capacity and Voiding frequency: : n = 8 and 9 for nondiabetic and diabetic mice, respectively, that are NLRP3+/+. n = 9 and 7 for nondiabetic and diabetic mice, respectively, that are NLRP3−/−. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 by a Student two-tailed t test. non-diab = nondiabetic. diab = diabetic. ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc test was also used to compare all groups. Voiding pressure – no significant differences were found. Voiding volume – the only additional significant differences found were between diabetic/NLRP3+/+ and nondiabetic/NLRP3−/− as well as diabetic/NLRP3−/−. Frequency – the only additional significant differences found were between diabetic/NLRP3+/+ and nondiabetic/NLRP3−/− as well as diabetic/NLRP3−/−. These comparisons can be found in the supplemental material. PVR – no additional differences were found. Capacity - the only additional significant differences found were between diabetic/NLRP3+/+ and nondiabetic/NLRP3−/− as well as diabetic/NLRP3−/−. Efficiency – no significant differences were detected.