Extended Figure 1. Setup of a MHz TR-SFX experiment at the EuXFEL (modified from Wiedorn et al., 2018).
X-ray pulses arrive in 1.13 MHz bursts which repeat every 100 ms. There are 176 X-ray pulses in the burst. The KB-mirror system focuses the X-ray beam to a 2 – 3 μm focal spot. The fs-laser delivers 376 kHz pulses (λ=420 nm, blue) synchronized to the X-ray pulses. The laser focus is 42 μm Ø in the X-ray interaction region (dotted circle). The microcrystals are mixed with fluorinated oil and injected by a GDVN. The jet produced by the GDVN, the laser beam as well as the X-ray pulses precisely intersect. The time-resolved diffraction patterns are collected by the AGIPD. Diffraction patterns with common time-delays were separated based on the pulse ID (see also Fig. 2b) and combined to datasets.