Figure 4.
Since 2010, the Sedgwick County Zoo (SCZ) has partnered with the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History to provide materials for use in a wide range of scientific studies including CT scanning, morphology studies and genome sequencing. SCZ has contributed over 770 specimens and samples to the Museum, including tissues and carcasses representing taxa from Gymnophiona to Proboscidea, and hopes to broaden communication with other potential partners to ensure maximum use of SCZ's resources. To date, specimens and tissue samples that the Zoo donated to the Museum have been used in more than 22 research projects and in university courses. Several SCZ specimens were scanned as part of the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network (NSF grant no. DBI-1,701,714), including YPM HERA 23,166 (Potamotyphlus kaupii), which is one of two specimens of the species (each from SCZ) used to fill in a vital taxonomic gap in the oVert sampling. Scan data and reconstructions are now available via MorphoSource for use by researchers and educators globally (, Image reconstruction: Jaimi A. Gray. The image is a rendering of a 3D reconstruction created from CT scan of specimen YPM HERA 23,166. CT scanning done at Nanoscale Research Facility at the University of Florida, with a GE phoenix v|tome|x m 240 micro-CT scanner, and was funded by oVert TCN (NSF grant no. DBI-1,701,714). Segmentation and rendering performed using VG Studio Max (version 3.5.1).