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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 May 17.
Published in final edited form as: Clin Transplant. 2021 Oct 28;36(1):e14516. doi: 10.1111/ctr.14516


Baseline characteristics

Survey order
Has heard of genetic testing before this study
Characteristics All participants A benefits presented first B drawbacks presented first p-value, test statistic (df) Yes No p-value, test statistic (df)

n (col %) or mean (± SD)

No. of participants 102 55 47 72 30
Age (years) 46 (± 14) 45 (± 15) 47 (± 13) P = .434, t = −.79 (99) 48 (± 14) 42 (± 14) P = .0969, t = −1.68 (99)

Gender P = .591, x2 = .29 (1) P = .817
 Male 32 (31%) 16 (29%) 16 (34%) 22 (31%) 10 (33%)
 Female 70 (69%) 39 (71%) 31 (66%) 50 (69%) 20 (67%)

Race P = .532 P = .412
 Black/African American 79 (77%) 45 (82%) 34 (72%) 58 (81%) 21 (70%)
 West Indies/Caribbean 9 (9%) 4 (7%) 5 (11%) 6 (8%) 3 (10%)
 Mixed/other/no response 14 (14%) 6 (11%) 8 (17%) 8 (11%) 6 (20%)

Ethnicity P = .648 P = .320
 Hispanic 24 (24%) 14 (25%) 10 (21%) 15 (21%) 9 (30%)
 Non-Hispanic 78 (76%) 41 (75%) 37 (79%) 57 (79%) 21 (70%)

Place of birth P = .733 P = .027
 United States 65 (64%) 36 (65%) 29 (62%) 48 (67%) 17 (57%)
 West Indies/Caribbean 31 (30%) 17 (31%) 14 (30%) 23 (32%) 8 (27%)
 Africa 5 (5%) 2 (4%) 3 (6%) 1 (1%) 4 (13%)
 Other 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 1 (3%)

Relationship to the individual they accompanied P = .964 P = .805
 First degree (parent/child/sibling) 56 (55%) 31 (56%) 25 (53%) 41 (57%) 15 (50%)
 Spouse 25 (25%) 13 (24%) 12 (26%) 17 (24%) 8 (27%)
 Other/no response 21 (21%) 11 (20%) 10 (21%) 14 (19%) 7 (23%)

Highest level of education completed P = .730 P = .279
 High school/GED or less 29 (28%) 15 (27%) 14 (30%) 16 (22%) 13 (43%)
 Technical/associate degree 10 (10%) 6 (11%) 4 (9%) 8 (11%) 2 (7%)
 Some college 28 (27%) 16 (29%) 12 (26%) 22 (31%) 6 (20%)
 Bachelor’s degree 23 (23%) 10 (18%) 13 (28%) 16 (22%) 7 (23%)
 Master’s degree or Doctorate 12 (12%) 8 (15%) 4 (9%) 10 (14%) 2 (7%)

Current health insurance P = .911 P = .048
 Private 45 (44) 26 (47%) 19 (40%) 37 (51%) 8 (27%)
 Public 32 (31) 16 (29%) 16 (34%) 17 (24%) 15 (50%)
 Both 12 (12) 6 (11%) 6 (13%) 8 (11%) 4 (13%)
 Other/unknown/unsure/no response 12 (13) 7 (13%) 6 (13%) 10 (14%) 3 (10%)

Currently employed P = .306, x2 = 1.05 (1) P = .375
 Yes 64 (63) 37 (67%) 27 (57%) 43 (60%) 21 (70%)

Attitudes and experiences prior to survey

Considers themselves generally healthy P = .921 P = .334
 Yes 85 (83%) 45 (82%) 40 (85%) 58 (81%) 27 (90%)
 No 11 (11%) 6 (11%) 5 (11%) 8 (11%) 3 (10%)
 Unsure 6 (6%) 4 (7%) 2 (4%) 6 (8%) 0 (0%)

Trusts the healthcare system to do the right thing P = .919 P = .270
 Disagree or neither agree/disagree 11 (11%) 6 (11%) 5 (11%) 10 (14%) 1 (3%)
 Somewhat agree 48 (47%) 27 (49%) 21 (45%) 34 (47%) 14 (47%)
 Strongly agree 43 (42%) 22 (40%) 21 (45%) 28 (39%) 15 (50%)

Has heard of organ donation P = .723 P = .690
 Yes 94 (92%) 50 (91%) 44 (94%) 67 (93%) 27 (90%)

Has considered organ donation (n = 94) P = .523, x2 = .41 (1) P = .625
 Yes 65 (69%) 36 (72%) 29 (66%) 45 (67%) 20 (74%

Has considered becoming a living kidney donor (n = 94) P = .936 P = .494
 Yes 53 (56%) 28 (56%) 25 (57%) 36 (54%) 17 (63%)

Registered organ donor (n = 94) P = .722 P = .497
 Yes 37 (39%) 20 (40%) 17 (39%) 27 (40%) 10 (37%)
 No 53 (56%) 27 (54%) 26 (59%) 36 (54%) 17 (63%)
 Do Not Know/Not Sure 4 (4%) 3 (6%) 1 (2%) 4 (6%) 0 (0%)

Has heard of genetic testing P = .343, x2 = .90 (1)
 Yes 72 (71%) 41 (75%) 31 (66%)

Has considered or been approached for genetic testing (n = 72) P = .906, x2 = .01 (1)
 Yes 25 (35%) 14 (34%) 11 (35%)

Has participated in genetic testing through a healthcare provider (n = 72) P = 1.000
 Yes 16 (22%) 9 (22%) 7 (23%)

Has participated in genetic testing through a commercial service (n = 72) P = .227
 Yes 6 (8%) 5 (12%) 1 (3%)