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. 2022 May 17;38(1):115–121. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07638-7

Table 3.

End-of-Life Care Survey Outcomes Comparing Patients Who Received or Did Not Receive the 3 Wishes Program

Number of respondents agreeing, N (%) Adjusted 3WP vs usual care odds ratio
(N = 117)
Usual care
(N = 197)
p value Adjusted value* p value
Bereaved family survey items (regarding last month of life) Odds ratio (95% CI)
  Respectful care and communication
    Staff always took the time to listen 90 (78.3%) 135 (72.6%) 0.270 1.70 (0.87 to 3.40) 0.127
    Staff always provided treatment the patient wanted 86 (74.8%) 134 (72.4%) 0.654 1.29 (0.66 to 2.54) 0.464
    Staff were always kind, caring, and respectful 96 (83.5%) 154 (81.1%) 0.593 1.48 (0.68 to 3.27) 0.327
    Staff always kept family informed about the patient’s condition and treatment 87 (75.7%) 118 (62.8%) 0.020 2.47 (1.30 to 4.83) 0.006
    Staff always attended to the patient’s personal care needs (bathing, dressing, eating meals) 76 (66.1%) 120 (65.2%) 0.878 1.22 (0.66 to 2.31) 0.529
  Care around time of death
    Staff alerted the family that the patient was about to die 100 (87.7%) 170 (88.5%) 0.829 0.64 (0.26 to 1.59) 0.337
  Management of symptoms
    Patient did not experience pain 37 (33.0%) 70 (38.9%) 0.313 0.89 (0.46 to 1.70) 0.722
    Pain never made patient uncomfortable 23 (26.1%) 33 (24.3%) 0.752 1.01 (0.43 to 2.35) 0.986
  Emotional and spiritual support
    Staff always provided family/patient with spiritual support 60 (54.5%) 72 (40.4%) 0.020 1.79 (0.98 to 3.30) 0.061
    Staff always provided family/patient with emotional support 74 (65.5%) 95 (51.9%) 0.022 2.52 (1.37 to 4.75) 0.003
    Staff always provided family with emotional support after patient’s death 73 (65.2%) 102 (54.3%) 0.063 2.70 (1.44 to 5.22) 0.002
  Performance measure
    Excellent overall rating of care received during last month of life 79 (69.3%) 119 (63.0%) 0.262 1.48 (0.79 to 2.82) 0.220
Additional questions
  Patient died in the right place 78 (69.6%) 159 (81.5%) 0.017 0.75 (0.36 to 1.59) 0.457
  Hospital definitely worked well with primary care and other providers 51 (45.5%) 100 (53.2%) 0.200 1.63 (0.90 to 2.97) 0.107
  No decisions were made that the patient would not have wanted 90 (78.3%) 151 (79.9%) 0.733 0.77 (0.38 to 1.57) 0.470
BFS factor scores Unadjusted median (IQR) β coefficient*
  Respectful care and communication factor score (N = 284) 14.0 (12 to 15) 14.0 (11 to 15) 0.225 0.89 (− 0.04 to 1.83) 0.063
  Emotional and spiritual support factor score (N = 277) 7.5 (6–9) 6.0 (3–9) 0.003 1.37 (0.54 to 2.19) 0.001

Missing data for survey questions ranged from 0 to 8.3%

*Adjust for age, gender, marital status, respondent’s relationship to patient, race/ethnicity, primary language, type of insurance, type of ICU, presence of COVID-19 infection, palliative care consultation during hospitalization, presence of an advance directive or POLST, and need for mechanical ventilation, vasopressors, and dialysis