Fig. 3. NRL determines H1 binding to arrays.
a, H1 binds to nucleosomes of the array near the nucleosome dyad. The N-terminal part of the α2-helix (Nα2) and the L3 loop contact the DNA around the dyad, whereas the α3-helix and the L1 loop interact with linker DNAs. H1 is rainbow-colored from the N (blue) to C (red) terminus, DNA is shown in white, and the histone octamer is shown in wheat. b, Focused-refined cryo-EM densities for nucleosomes 1, 2, 3 and 4, colored by NRL (4×177 blue, 4×187 green, 4×197 yellow, 4×207 red). H1 density is in purple. Nucleosomes are all viewed the same way. Entry and exit DNA are marked by a blue and a red dot, respectively. Focused-refined maps of nucleosome 4 could not be obtained for the 4×197 and 4×207 arrays owing to higher mobility. c. H1 N-terminal regions extend from the nucleosome stack in opposite directions. Residues regulating H1 mobility (K34 (ref. 34) and S35 (ref. 35)) and heterochromatin formation (K26 and S27)36 protrude from the nucleosome stack on both sides and are accessible for protein-protein interactions. The first ordered residue of H1 is S35; disordered residues are shown as a dashed line. DNA is shown in gray, histone octamer in wheat and H1 in purple.