Table 1.
Perceived levels of current effort and benefit versus risk from automation, automation opportunity, and level of applied automation per ICSR process step.
Heat map of perceived effort, benefit and risk of automation from the 2021 TransCelerate MC survey based on the average of the responses for each process step, represented at levels of low, medium and high. 2019 survey responses for benefit and risk, originally collected at different scales, were converted to low, medium and high values and are shown in comparison. Data on process steps not covered by the 2019 survey are marked as ‘not collected’. Automation opportunity scores are calculated as effort * benefit/risk (with low = 1, medium = 2, high = 3), with a higher score indicating a higher value opportunity. The table also shows the percentage of responding companies that were already applying automation for individual process steps in response to the 2020 and 2021 surveys, as well as the delta between the survey responses. QC quality check, ICSR Individual Case Safety Report, MC member company