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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Soc Networks. 2022 Mar 5;70:284–294. doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2022.02.011

Table 5.

Multilevel multinomial regression results predicting the log-likelihood an alter would be named a truly new or awakened tie versus a previously-listed tie, odds ratios (weighted)

Young cohort Old cohort

Truly new
Truly new
Intercept .912 .753 .781 1.380
Alter-level variables
Role relationship
  Spouse and immediate kin .199*** .115*** .019*** .192***
  Extended kin .128*** .955 .177*** .784
  Romantic partner 1.169 .405 2.076 .756
  Friend .458** 1.002 .251*** .750
  Roommate 1.483 .398 2.139 .076***
  Neighbor 1.590 1.547 1.014 .736
  Workmate 3.537*** 1.476 1.607 .929
  Schoolmate 1.475 .898 .735 1.708
  Churchmate .780 1.240 1.546 1.524
  Acquaintance 3.117** 2.768* 3.002*** 1.237
Type of exchange
Socialize 1.032 .541** .637** .457***
Confide .458*** .599** .542** .449***
Advise .355*** .703+ .556** .523***
Recent practical help 1.435 .968 1.222 .965
Emergency help .647 .848 .514** .510***
Provide support to alter .876 .567*** .729 .667**
Difficult alter .820 .578 .386*** .382***
Alter-level characteristics
Emotionally close .486** .603* .416*** .504***
Live over one hour away .637* .963 .874 1.333*
Ego-level variables
Life events between wave 2 and wave 3
New partnership 1.311 1.439 1.114 1.253
Birth of child 4.885*** 1.240 1.599+ 1.047
New job or school .891 .965 1.591 .763
Graduated from school 1.023 1.321 --- ---
Death of a close person 1.522 1.299 1.305 1.127
Break in friendship 1.031 .974 1.271 1.482**
End job .916 .832 1.045 1.476*
School, work, financial prob. 1.353 1.405* .991 1.075
Health problem 1.002 1.007 1.453* 1.092
Move near 1.748** .922 1.560 .576*
Move far 2.965*** 1.761** 4.600*** .702
Sociodemographic variables
Male 1.071 1.149 .778 1.212
Asian .702 .975 1.407 1.192
Latino 1.131 .678 1.382 1.170
Black and other .675 1.399 1.212 1.580*
Foreign born 1.018 .877 1.528 .762
Married .973 .983 .715* .812*
Education less than BA .705 1.111 1.182 1.132
Education BA .820 .904 1.200 1.138
Poor health .880 .654 .823 .861
Extroversion 1.056 1.067 1.006 1.021
Neuroticism 1.077 .913 1.006 .907
Network size (wave 2) .948* .961 .867 .958**
Personal reference or Facebook recruit 1.168 1.249 --- ---
Variance components
Between-ego variance .394 .158 .549 .183
Chi-square (intercept) 566.170*** 486.748*** 678.371*** 695.583***
N alters 4,059 5,764
N respondents 382 558

Note: Young cohort refers to 21–30 year-olds and old cohort to 50–70 year-olds at wave 1


p < .06.


p < .05.


p < .01.


p < .001 (two-tailed tests)