Extended Data Table 1.
Number of binders against the 12 targets as estimated from FACS sorting
SC50 (Sorting Concentration50) refers to the target concentration where 50% of expressing yeast cells for a given design are collected. The “SC50 < 4 μM” column was produced by looking for binders that saw > 20% collection frequency during a 1 μM w/o avidity sort (see Method). When a 1 μM sort was not performed, 500 nM and 11% were used instead. A similar procedure was used to estimate the 400 nM column. Some binders saturate their binding signal at 20% collection frequency (likely expression problems), for this reason, the H3 data were estimated at 800nM to avoid needing a threshold higher than 20%. Additionally, binders with very low counts were discarded to guard against doubly-transformed yeast (see Methods).
*Number of binders with SC50 < 800 nM estimated from 200nM sort.
a SSM sorts used to estimate the number of binders.