Fig. 8. Binding selectivity of FG loop variants in SLBRSK678, SLBRUB10713, and SLBRHsa.
Dose response curves of biotin-glycan binding to immobilized variant SLBRs (500 nM). Both a the GST-SLBRSK678Q367D variant and b the GST-SLBRUB10712Q345D variant have substantially reduced binding to the fucosylated ligands sLeX and 6S-sLeX. In SLBRHsa, charge reversal or neutralization at this same position was assessed in c GST-SLBRHsaD356R and d GST-SLBRHsaD356Q. Both variants had increased binding to 6S-sLeX, 3’sLn, and sLeX and decreased binding to sTa, albeit to somewhat different extents. Measurements were performed using 500 nM of immobilized GST-SLBR and the indicated concentrations of each ligand are shown as the mean ± SD (n = 3 independent experiments with a single protein preparation). Statistical comparisons of ligand affinity between FG mutants and parent SLBR can be found in Supplementary Fig. 18. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.