PET hydrolysis samples analyzed under HT conditions in E. coli RARE
The enzyme-coupled biosensor system yielded bioluminescence in the presence of 1 mM TPA (positive control) and hydrolysates obtained by the enzymatic degradation of Gf-PET films by PES-H1, LCC, and LCC-ICCG; the bioluminescence did not increase in the presence of 1% (ν/ν) DMSO over monitoring time. Experiments were performed in RCs of E. coli RARE under HT assay conditions as described previously (Bayer et al., 2021); data presented as mean values of the fold-increase in bioluminescence + SD of biological replicates (n ≥ 3). For results employing E. coli BL21(DE3) Δlpp RCs, see Figure S4.