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. 2022 Apr 5;109(5):857–870. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2022.03.007

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study-participants included in the analyses

Stratum Study NHW AA HIS Age, years Female (%) Smoking pack-years FEV1%predicted FEV1/FVC ratio Moderate-to-severe COPD Severe COPD
Population-and family-based ARIC 5,717 1,458 62.81 ± 9.69 3,998 (56) 17.28 ± 23.41 92 ± 19 0.73 ± 0.09 1,115 199
CARDIA 1,386 1,373 42.17 ± 6.62 1,525 (55) 0.71 ± 1.58 95 ± 14 0.79 ± 0.06
CFS 402 388 47.21 ± 16.07 432 (55) 10.29 ± 16.26 91 ± 20 0.79 ± 0.07 64 16
CHS 2,321 312 78.74 ± 6.09 1,574 (60) 16.08 ± 24.85 91 ± 25 0.72 ± 0.11 500 155
FHS 3,321 48.86 ± 11.85 1,771 (53) 6.72 ± 15.76 96 ± 15 0.76 ± 0.07 239 26
HCHS/SOL 6,750 46.65 ± 13.64 3,969 (59) 7.43 ± 15.97 92 ± 15 0.80 ± 0.07 394 69
JHS 2,511 54.54 ± 12.54 1,621 (65) 93 ± 18 0.81 ± 0.08 123 26
MESA 1,580 983 879 66.40 ± 9.84 2,088 (52) 10.69 ± 20.90 94 ± 18 0.75 ± 0.08 408 52
Total 14,727 7,025 7,629 2,843 543
COPD-enriched COPDGene 6,609 3,258 59.55 ± 9.04 4,602 (47) 44.27 ± 24.87 73 ± 26 0.65 ± 0.16 3,981 2,022
SPIROMICS 1,535 369 63.50 ± 9.06 886 (47) 47.60 ± 27.91 67 ± 27 0.59 ± 0.16 1,115 547
Total 8,144 3,627 5,096 2,569

Mean ± standard deviation. ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CARDIA, Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults; CFS, Cleveland Family Study; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; FHS, Framingham Heart Study; HCHS/SOL, Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos; JSH, Jackson Heart Study; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; COPDGene, Genetic Epidemiology of COPD; SPIROMICS, Sub-Populations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study; NHW, non-Hispanic White; AA, African American; HIS, Hispanic; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FEV1/FVC ratio, FEV1 ratio to forced vital capacity.