Dynamic GATA6 occupancy during definitive endoderm formation
(A–F) The definitive endoderm differentiation protocol; (B) Immunofluorescence analysis of stage-enriched markers during definitive endoderm formation. Sale bar: 100μM; (C) Flow cytometry analysis for GATA6 expression in iPSCs and early endoderm (day 2) cell populations, n = 2, mean ± SD; (D) Flow cytometry analysis for GATA4 expression in iPSCs and definitive endoderm (day 4) cell populations, n = 3, mean ± SD; (E) Venn diagram depicting the number of peaks detected by GATA6 ChIP-seq analysis at day 2 (early endoderm) and day 4 (definitive endoderm) of differentiation (upper panel). Hypergeometric motif enrichment analysis of DNA regions uniquely enriched within each subset (lower panel); (F) Heatmap depicting GATA6 ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq signal intensity at different subsets of GATA6 binding during definitive endoderm formation.