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. 2022 May 17;12(5):e051112. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051112

Table 1.

The characteristics of the included studies.

Study Year Surgery Number Standard Intervention Result Device PEEP (mm Hg) TV (mL/kg) Position Endoscope Moment of manoeuvre
Thoracic surgery
 Kang et al11 2016 Pulmonary lobectomy 76 △SVI>25% 10 mL/kg colloid Yes FloTrac-Vigileo system 0 4 Supine NO After lung recruitment manoeuvre and thorax closure.
 Fu et al12 2015 Esophagectomy 24 △CI>15% 7 mL/kg colloid No FloTrac-Vigileo system 5 6 Lateral YES After the procedure of laparoscopic part.
Yes 8
 Fu et al13 2014 Pulmonary lobectomy 30 △CI>10% 8 mL/kg colloid No PiCCO system 0 8 Lateral decubitus NO Before, and within 30 s after volume expansion (VE)without stimulation.
 Miñana et al14 2020 Open lung resection 76 △CI>10% 250 mL crystalloids No PiCCO system 5 6 lateral NO Once the patient had been placed lateral, with the chest open.
 Jeong et al15 2017 Lung cancer surgery 79 △CI>10% 7 mL/kg colloid No FloTrac-Vigileo system 5 6 Lateral Dispute 15 min after the start of OLV, before and after finishing fluid loading.
 Suehiro et al16 2010 Lobectomy 30 △CI>25% 500 mL colloid Yes FloTrac-Vigileo system 5 8 Lateral YES Before and after volume loading.
 Suehiro et al17 2011 Lobectomy 37 △CI>15% 500 mL colloid No FloTrac-Vigileo system 5 6 Lateral YES 30 min after starting OLV.
Yes 8
Cardiac surgery
 Kim et al18 2013 Coronary surgery 33 △SVI>12% 500 mL colloid Yes FloTrac-Vigileo system 5 10 NA NA Before sternotomy to maintain consistency of the closed thorax.
 Montenij et al19 2016 CABG 22 △CO>15% 7 mL/kg crystalloid No FloTrac-Vigileo system 5–10 8 NA NA Between induction of anaesthesia and incision.
 Broch et al20 2011 CABG 81 △SVI>12% PLR Yes PiCCO system 5 8 NA NA After induction of anaesthesia before surgery.
 Broch et al21 2012 CABG 92 △SVI>15% PLR Yes PiCCO system 5 8 NA NA After induction of anaesthesia before surgery.
 Hofer et al22 2005 Off-Pump CABG 40 △SVI>25% 10 mL/kg colloid Yes PiCCO system 0 10 NA NA Prior to any surgical intervention or volume replacement.
 Preisman et al23 2005 CABG 18 △SVI>15% 250 mL colloid No TEE, PiCCO 15–20 8–10 NA NA After the induction of anaesthesia, after the end of the operation, and before transfer to the ICU.
 Haas et al24 2012 Cardiac Surge 18 △CI>10% 4 mL/kg colloid Yes PiCCO system 5 8 NA NA After completion of cardiac surgery and thoracic closure.
 Cannesson et al25 2009 CABG 25 △CI>15% 500 mL colloid Yes FloTrac-Vigileo system 0–2 8–10 NA NA After a 3 min period of haemodynamic stability.
ICU after cardiac surgery
 Fischer et al26 2013 ICU 37 △CI>15% 500 mL colloid No PiCCO system NA NA NA NA within the first six post-operative hours
 Hofer et al27 2008 ICU 40 △SV>25% PLR Yes PiCCO system 5 8–10 NA NA After transfer of patients to the intensive care unit.
FloTrac-Vigileo system
 Geerts et al28 2011 ICU 20 △CO>7% PLR Yes Pulmonary artery catheter 5 8–10 NA NA NA
 Kang et al29 2014 ICU 54 △CO>7% PLR Yes Swan-Ganz
5 10 NA NA NA
 De Waal et al30 2009 ICU 22 △SVI>12% 7 mL/kg colloid Yes PiCCO system 5 8 NA NA After stabilisation of the patients arriving in the ICU.

CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; ICU, intensive critical unit; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PLR, passive leg raising; SV, stroke volume; SVI, stroke volume variation; TEE, transoesophageal echocardiography; TV, tidal volume; VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery; VE, volume expansion.