Table 1.
Study | Year | Surgery | Number | Standard | Intervention | Result | Device | PEEP (mm Hg) | TV (mL/kg) | Position | Endoscope | Moment of manoeuvre |
Thoracic surgery | ||||||||||||
Kang et al11 | 2016 | Pulmonary lobectomy | 76 | △SVI>25% | 10 mL/kg colloid | Yes | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 0 | 4 | Supine | NO | After lung recruitment manoeuvre and thorax closure. |
Fu et al12 | 2015 | Esophagectomy | 24 | △CI>15% | 7 mL/kg colloid | No | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5 | 6 | Lateral | YES | After the procedure of laparoscopic part. |
Yes | 8 | |||||||||||
Fu et al13 | 2014 | Pulmonary lobectomy | 30 | △CI>10% | 8 mL/kg colloid | No | PiCCO system | 0 | 8 | Lateral decubitus | NO | Before, and within 30 s after volume expansion (VE)without stimulation. |
Miñana et al14 | 2020 | Open lung resection | 76 | △CI>10% | 250 mL crystalloids | No | PiCCO system | 5 | 6 | lateral | NO | Once the patient had been placed lateral, with the chest open. |
Jeong et al15 | 2017 | Lung cancer surgery | 79 | △CI>10% | 7 mL/kg colloid | No | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5 | 6 | Lateral | Dispute | 15 min after the start of OLV, before and after finishing fluid loading. |
Suehiro et al16 | 2010 | Lobectomy | 30 | △CI>25% | 500 mL colloid | Yes | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5 | 8 | Lateral | YES | Before and after volume loading. |
Suehiro et al17 | 2011 | Lobectomy | 37 | △CI>15% | 500 mL colloid | No | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5 | 6 | Lateral | YES | 30 min after starting OLV. |
Yes | 8 | |||||||||||
Cardiac surgery | ||||||||||||
Kim et al18 | 2013 | Coronary surgery | 33 | △SVI>12% | 500 mL colloid | Yes | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5 | 10 | NA | NA | Before sternotomy to maintain consistency of the closed thorax. |
Montenij et al19 | 2016 | CABG | 22 | △CO>15% | 7 mL/kg crystalloid | No | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 5–10 | 8 | NA | NA | Between induction of anaesthesia and incision. |
Broch et al20 | 2011 | CABG | 81 | △SVI>12% | PLR | Yes | PiCCO system | 5 | 8 | NA | NA | After induction of anaesthesia before surgery. |
Broch et al21 | 2012 | CABG | 92 | △SVI>15% | PLR | Yes | PiCCO system | 5 | 8 | NA | NA | After induction of anaesthesia before surgery. |
Hofer et al22 | 2005 | Off-Pump CABG | 40 | △SVI>25% | 10 mL/kg colloid | Yes | PiCCO system | 0 | 10 | NA | NA | Prior to any surgical intervention or volume replacement. |
Preisman et al23 | 2005 | CABG | 18 | △SVI>15% | 250 mL colloid | No | TEE, PiCCO | 15–20 | 8–10 | NA | NA | After the induction of anaesthesia, after the end of the operation, and before transfer to the ICU. |
Haas et al24 | 2012 | Cardiac Surge | 18 | △CI>10% | 4 mL/kg colloid | Yes | PiCCO system | 5 | 8 | NA | NA | After completion of cardiac surgery and thoracic closure. |
Cannesson et al25 | 2009 | CABG | 25 | △CI>15% | 500 mL colloid | Yes | FloTrac-Vigileo system | 0–2 | 8–10 | NA | NA | After a 3 min period of haemodynamic stability. |
ICU after cardiac surgery | ||||||||||||
Fischer et al26 | 2013 | ICU | 37 | △CI>15% | 500 mL colloid | No | PiCCO system | NA | NA | NA | NA | within the first six post-operative hours |
Hofer et al27 | 2008 | ICU | 40 | △SV>25% | PLR | Yes | PiCCO system | 5 | 8–10 | NA | NA | After transfer of patients to the intensive care unit. |
FloTrac-Vigileo system | ||||||||||||
Geerts et al28 | 2011 | ICU | 20 | △CO>7% | PLR | Yes | Pulmonary artery catheter | 5 | 8–10 | NA | NA | NA |
Kang et al29 | 2014 | ICU | 54 | △CO>7% | PLR | Yes | Swan-Ganz NICOM |
5 | 10 | NA | NA | NA |
De Waal et al30 | 2009 | ICU | 22 | △SVI>12% | 7 mL/kg colloid | Yes | PiCCO system | 5 | 8 | NA | NA | After stabilisation of the patients arriving in the ICU. |
CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; ICU, intensive critical unit; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PLR, passive leg raising; SV, stroke volume; SVI, stroke volume variation; TEE, transoesophageal echocardiography; TV, tidal volume; VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery; VE, volume expansion.