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. 2022 May 19;17(5):e0264195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264195

Table 3. Parameters values for the baseline scenario correspond to the posterior median value βbase = 0.31, ωbase = 0.12, λv1 = 0.00598, λv2 = 0.032; β = 0.4, 0.5, and ω = 0.3, 0.5 were selected according to historical data in CA (see S6 Fig in S1 File).

Vaccination Rate Assumptions
Current rate maintained Current rate reduced by 30% Current rate increased by 30% Current rate maintained Current rate reduced by 30% Current rate increased by 30%
Parameters Increase or prevention percentage in cases 15 days after opening Increase or prevention percentage in deaths 15 days after opening
βbase = 0.31 11429* 35.0 -26.1 429* 21.6 -17.9
β1 = 0.4 21.8 65.7 -10.1 4.4 27.8 -14.6
β2 = 0.5 48.5 103.4 8.4 9.6 36.8 -10.8
ωbase = 0.12 9829* 34.0 -25.0 402* 23.5 -16.4
ω1 = 0.3 51.5 90.5 22.7 12.3 35.8 -5.1
ω2 = 0.5 68.9 108.2 37.6 15.6 38.8 -2.7

*Base scenario values (total cases and deaths between June 15 and June 30, 2021). All percentages are calculated based on these values.