Schematic drawing of musculotendinous system (MTS) of different body regions in Chauliodus sloani (USNM 200984, 145 mm SL). (a) Myoseptum of V11 at 0,31L. ENTB present. In hypaxial part of the myoseptum, the ossification represents an LTB, pointing to neural arch. ECT present. (b) Myoseptum of V27 at 0,55L. Anterior cones present. Ventral LTB projects into VAC. (c) Myoseptum of V47 at 0,88L. Simple intermuscular ossification represents LTB epaxially and hypaxially extending from anterior (DAC/VAC) into posterior cones (DPC/VPC), respectively. Dorsally there is an ENT present. Ventrally, the MT turns posteriad and forms a VSAC. (d) Caudal tendons that insert on caudal‐fin rays and represent LTs of V54–V56. (e) Overview of different body regions and their MTS. Abbreviations: DAC, dorsal anterior cone; DPC, dorsal posterior cone; ECT, epicentral tendon; ENT, epineural tendon; ENTB, epineural tendon bone; F.NL, foramen for the nervus lateralis; HM, horizontal midline; LT, lateral tendon; LTB, lateral tendon bone; MT, myorhabdoid tendon; R, rib; RMTs, tendons within red muscle bundles; VAC, ventral anterior cone; VPC, ventral posterior cone; VSAC, ventral secondary anterior cone