Schematic drawing of musculotendinous system (MTS) of different body regions in Malacosteus australis (USNM 296675, 110 mm SL). (a) Myoseptum of V29 at 0,69L. There is no DAC/VAC. ENTB and EPTB present. VSAC present. (b) Myoseptum of V38 at 0,87L. Anterior cones present. LTs run parallel to HM, are interrupted in sloping parts and again present in posterior cones. Tip of posterior cones posteriorly elongated. (c) Tendons that insert on caudal‐fin rays and represent LTs of V45‐V47 + LT of compound ural centrum. (d) Overview of different body regions and their MTS. Abbreviations: DAC, dorsal anterior cone; DPC, dorsal posterior cone; ENTB, epineural tendon bone; EPTB epipleural tendon bone; F.NL, foramen for the nervus lateralis; HM, horizontal midline; LT, lateral tendon; LTu, lateral tendon of compound ural centrum; MT, myorhabdoid tendon; RMTs, tendons within red red muscle bundles; VAC, ventral anterior cone; VSAC, ventral secondary anterior cone; VPC, ventral posterior cone