Gene-regulatory co-expression networks (GRNs) capturing genetic (inherited) and environmental risk variation organize genes within and across tissues in groups of biological processes and molecular functions that are relevant to the etiology of coronary atherosclerosis. Together GRNs may provide a mechanistic framework in which isolated candidate pathways and genetic risk loci can be understood from a broader molecular multi-organ context. Such framework may be proven important to fulfill the promises of precision medicine. SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphism; SKLM, skeletal muscle; SF, subcutaneous fat; VAF, visceral abdominal fat; AOR, atherosclerotic aortic wall and, MAM, internal mammary artery. Color coding of GRN represents genes from different tissues (red, AOR; orange, MAM; green, SKLM; brown, LIVER; purple, VAF; pink, SF and blue, WHOLE BLOOD) adopted from STARNET.MSSM.EDU (Koplev et al., 2021).