Expression of RACK1 variants in mammalian HAP1 ΔRACK1 cells and P. falciparum parasites.A, schematic constructs for RACK1 variants. HsRACK1χ designates the RACK1 chimera comprised of an N-terminus with PfRACK1 amino acids 1 to 88 followed by a C-terminus with HsRACK1 residues 80 to 317 (left). PfRACK1χ designates the RACK1 chimera comprised of an N-terminus with HsRACK1 amino acids 1 to 79 followed by a C-terminus with PfRACK1 residues 89 to 323 (right). HsRACK1RDK→DDE and PfRACK1RDK→DDE constructs generated by mutating HsRACK1 Arg36/Lys38 or PfRACK1 Arg43/Lys45 to Asp/Glu. B, Western blot using anti-Flag antibody of HAP1 ΔRACK1 cell expressing RACK1 variants. 40S ribosomal protein 16 (uS9) blotted as control. C, Western blot using anti-HA antibody of Plasmodium falciparum parasites expressing RACK1 variants. Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) blotted as control. HsRACK1, Homo sapiens RACK1; PfRACK1, Plasmodium falciparum RACK1; RACK1, receptor for activated C-kinase 1.