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. 2022 May 6;13:863521. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.863521


Genes related to morphological traits in sesame.

Gene Function Trait References
ACS (1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase) Auxin-induced gene involved in ethylene biosynthesis Capsule phenotype and leaf width Wei et al., 2015
DOG1 (Delay of germination) Regulates seed germination and anthesis Flowering
IAA14 (Indole-3-acetic acid) Regulates anthesis Flowering
DFL1 (Dwarf in light 1) Negatively regulates cell elongation, lateral root formation, and hypocotyl length Plant height and oilseed yield
GL3 (GLABRA 3) Flower lip color development by mediating anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway Flower lip color
ILR1 (IAA leucine resistant 1) Codes for aminohydrolase which modulates the activity of auxin in auxin signaling pathway Plant height and oilseed yield Bartel and Fink, 1995
GI (GIGANTAE) Regulates the expression of anthesis related genes controlled by photoperiod Flowering Fowler et al., 1999
SiCL1 (Curly leaf 1) Encodes a transcription repressor KAN1 (KANADI1) protein which regulates abaxial identity, leaf growth, and meristem formation Leaf curling and capsule indehiscence Zhang, 2018