Figure 4.
Prevalence of CH > TH in non-HVS greatly contributed to mutational selection pattern across different tumors. (a) Proportion of different substitution types in germline variants (n=13542) of mtCTR from Elife 2014 (n=10095) and our data (n=3447) and somatic mutations (n=1007) of mtCTR from 13 solid tumor types. (b) Proportion of different substitution types in germline variants of mtCTR HVS and non-HVS regions. (c) Proportion of different substitution types in somatic mutations of mtCTR HVS and non-HVS regions. (d) Proportion of different substitution types in somatic mutations of mtCTR HVS and non-HVS regions across 13 solid tumor types. (e) Incidence bias of CH > TH across 13 tumor types. Incidence bias was defined as substitution number per kilo base pair (kb) in non-HVS region divided by substitution number per kilo base pair (kb) in HVS region in certain tumor tissue type. (f) Spearman rank correlation between incidence bias of CH > TH and proportion of somatic mutations in non-HVS region in 13 tumor types. All P values were from Chi-square test.