Fig. 2.
A flow diagram of AMT//T. Step 1, the mitochondria are isolated and the cells are prepared. Distinct markers are labelled in mitochondria and cells for subsequent comparison. Step 2, isolated mitochondria are transferred by different AMT/T methods: a Coculture and noncontact co-culture (transwell). b Isolated mitochondria coincubated with cells. Methods "Magnetomitotransfer," "MitoCeption," "MitoPunch," and "centrifugation" methods are used to increase the efficiency of mitochondrial transfer. c Isolated mitochondria are injected in situ, intravenously (i.v.), or intranasally. d Autologous mitochondrial microinjection to improve oocyte quality and fertility outcome. Step 3, in vitro studies, quantitatively measure the efficiency of mitochondrial transfer by confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, or electron microscope. In the in vivo studies, subjects' behaviour and organ function are measured. Step4, the effect of mitochondrial transfer is evaluated. MPF mechanical plunger force, CF centrifugal force, M plate magnetic plate, M beads magnetic beads, MF magnetic force