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. 2022 May 19;27(20):2200350. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.20.2200350

Table. Effectiveness of two and three doses of mRNA vaccines against SARI COVID-19 hospitalisations among individuals without previous COVID-19 diagnosisa, during Omicron predominance, by age group and time since last dose, Slovenia, February–March 2022.

Age group (years) Individuals vaccinated with two dosesb Individuals vaccinated with three dosesb Unvaccinated individualsc Vaccine effectiveness
Individuals vaccinated with two dosesb Individuals vaccinated with three dosesb
Number of SARI COVID-19 casesd Population vaccinated with two dosesb Rate per 100,000 Number of SARI COVID-19 casesd Population vaccinated with three dosesb Rate per 100,000 Number of SARI COVID-19 casesd Unvaccinated population Rate per 100,000 % 95% CI % 95% CI
Irrespective of the last dose timing
18–49 11 124,922 8.8 5 60,627 8.3 44 154,167 28.5 69 40–84 71 27–89
50–64 42 63,231 66.4 8 83,781 9.6 163 66,685 244.4 73 62–81 96 92–98
≥  65 275 61,019 450.7 261 225,199 115.9 641 26,031 2,462.4 82 79–84 95 95–96
Last dose ≤ 3 months ago
18–49 2 21,429 9.3 5 55,020 9.1 44 154,167 28.5 67 0–92 68 20–87
50–64 14 8,445 165.8 3 72,696 4.1 163 66,685 244.4 32 0–61 98 95–99
≥  65 38 9,181 413.9 133 142,585 93.3 641 26,031 2,462.4 83 77–88 96 95–97
Last dose 4–5 months ago
18–49 4 37,322 10.7 0 4,718 0.0 44 154,167 28.5 62 0–87 100 ND
50–64 4 17,503 22.9 5 10,109 49.5 163 66,685 244.4 91 75–97 80 51–92
≥  65 79 16,925 466.8 124 78,438 158.1 641 26,031 2,462.4 81 76–85 94 92–95
Last dose ≥ 6 months ago
18–49 5 66,172 7.6 0 889 0.0 44 154,167 28.5 74 33–90 100 ND
50–64 24 37,283 64.4 0 976 0.0 163 66,685 244.4 74 60–83 100 ND
≥  65 158 34,913 452.6 4 4,177 95.8 641 26,031 2,462.4 82 78–85 96 90–99

CI: confidence interval; COVID-19: coronavirus disease; mRNA: messenger ribonucleic acid; ND: not determined (95% CIs were not determined for all VE estimates of 100%); SARI: severe acute respiratory infection; SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

a Individuals without previous COVID-19 diagnosis were defined as individuals without a record of a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR (or only a positive RAT from 21 December 2020 to 12 February 2021 and from 1 February 2022 to 27 March 2022) in the national COVID-19 database more than 2 weeks before the week under observation within the SARI surveillance database known as EPISARI [3].

b Individuals vaccinated with two or three doses were defined as individuals who had received two or three doses of mRNA vaccines (Comirnaty (BNT162b2 mRNA, BioNTech-Pfizer, Mainz, Germany/New York, United States) or Spikevax (mRNA-1273, Moderna, Cambridge, United States)) more than 2 weeks before the week under observation.

c Unvaccinated individuals were defined as individuals who had not received any dose of any vaccine against COVID-19.

d SARI COVID-19 cases were defined as all SARI cases testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR or antigen test at admission to hospitals.

Data sources: EPISARI surveillance of severe acute respiratory infections within comprehensive COVID-19 surveillance [3], national electronic registry of vaccinated individuals and adverse events following vaccinations [4], national COVID-19 dataset and Slovenian Central Population Registry.